Sunday, June 6, 2010

Women and Femininity


1)Who is the most feminine?
a. Scout
b. Dill
c. Calpurnia
d. Aunt Alexandria

2) Who tells Scout she needs to act more like a lady?
a. Aunt Alexandra
b. Jem
c. All of the above

Mayella Ewell shows up to court:
a. with skin clean but raw from scrubbing
b. with her skin clean as she alway keeps it
c. filthy and unwashed
d. with dirty hands and a clean face

When Aunt A. has her missionary circle of women over, where are Scout’s britches?
a. under her dress
b. over her dress
c. on the cat
d. in the kitchen, where Cal made her put on a dress

Why does Aunt Alexandra say Scout should where a dress?
a. It’s more comfortable in the hot summer weather
b. It will make Dill go back to wanting to marry Scout.
c. To show respect at Tom Robinson’s funeral
d. Scout shouldn’t be doing things that require pants.


“After all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I.” pg 318

“Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn't supposed to be doing things that required pants.” pg 108


Throughout the book, Scout is learning to be more feminine. She ends her cussing phase and dons a dress. Although she is used to running around dressed like a boy, she is constantly pressured by Aunt Alexandra among others to be more lady like. Aunt Alexandra, who fancies herself the picture of femininity is a constant gossiper, judging everyone that she lays eyes on. She also likes to embroider, which appears to be a womanly task. Miss Maudie bakes cakes and work in her garden. Even mean old Mrs. Dubose has a garden of flowers to take care of, as well as Mayella Ewell, who takes great pride in her brilliant red geraniums.

Friday, May 28, 2010

FINAL REVIEW (to start)


William Golding
Harper Lee
William Shakespeare
Aunt Alexandra
Heck Tate
Lord of the Flies
Ms. Duboce
The officer
Tom Robinson
Mayella Ewell
Bob Ewell
Ms. Stephanie Crawford
Boo Radley
Nathan Radley
Ms. Maudie

Author Sketches:
During our study of the various genres, you learned a great deal about different authors. You should review information about these authors:
• William Shakespeare
• Harper Lee
• William Golding
You may want to pay particular study to:
• The time period in which he/she wrote.
• Major themes common to his/her work.
• Create index cards about each author.
• Pay particular attention to the genre. (Bildungsroman, tragedy, hero story, etc.)

Review the works that we have read for symbolism, characterization, figurative language, imagery, important plot moments (conflict, climax), etc.
• Go through your notes and look for details about imagery.
• Create short outlines about major characters and their traits, or at the very least some index cards related to characters in these works.
• Look for important quotes (You'll have to identify the speaker and the relevance of some of these on the final)
• Review Diction, Syntax Vocab.
Literary Analysis:
You will be required to demonstrate significant THEMES and MOTIFS in a few works that we have read. You are already versed with the analysis of theme through examples, but you should review in order to be prepared.
• Lord of the Flies
• Merchant of Venice
• To Kill a Mockingbird

Compassion and Forgiveness

1. What is Scout not allowed to kill?
a. mockingbird
b. roly-poly
c. all of the above
d. none of the above
(Answer: A)

2. Why does jem not want Scout to kill the creature?
a. he wants to kill it himself
b. he feels sorry for it
c. it's wrong to take advantage of innocent things
d. all of the above
(Answer: C)

3. Why does Scout think it's bad for Miss Gates to be talking about Hitler's prejudice being wrong?
a. because Scout doesn't think it is wrong
b. because Miss Gates is prejudice at the trial against black people
c. because Miss Gates is prejudice against Jewish people too
d. none of the above
(Answer: B)

4. Why does Scout want to invite Walter Cunningham to dinner?
a. because she likes him
b. because he makes good mashed potatoes
c. because his family stood up for Tom Robinson at the trial
d. all of the above
(Answer: C)

5. Why does the black community deliver food to the Finch house after the trial even though Tom Robinson didn't win?
a. they are glad he lost
b. they want to thank Atticus for his help in the trial
c. to show apprecaition for Atticus standing up for black people
d. b and c
(Answer: D)



Fear makes people lash out against what scares them most. People do this so that they can restore their comfort zone even if they have to destroy innocent lives along the way. Throughout the book To Kill a Mockingbird the “fear” throughout the story isn’t really fear it’s just people scared of stupid superstitions like Boo Radley and the fact that all black people are bad and liars.

Multiple Choice:

Tom is a nice guy and one of the most innocent people around however almost everyone in Maycomb is afraid of him why is this?

A. Because he is good friends with Boo Radley
B. Because he is black and all black people are scary
C. Because he stole a Drawer of Mayella’s
D. Because he raped Mayella

Why is Mayella so frightened at the witness stand?

A. Because she has never been in court before
B. Because she doesn’t want Tom Robinson to win
C. Because she wants to say exactly what her father told her
D. Because she got hit on the head and doesn’t remember a thing

How do fear and race relate to each other in the novel?

A. Mayella is scared of Boo
B. Everyone are scared of all black people
C. The black people are afraid of the white people
D. The white people and black people are afraid of Boo Radley


Jem wanted Dill to know once and for all that he wasn't scared of anything: "It's just that I can't think of a way to make him come out without him gettin' us." Besides, Jem had his little sister to think of.

When he said that, I knew he was afraid. (75)

This is when Jem, Dill and Scoutt are all playing outside and are talking about how scary Boo Radley must be little do they know how nice of a guy he is.

As the summer progressed, so did our game. We polished and perfected it, added dialogue and plot until we had manufactured a small play upon which we rang changes every day. (95)

The reason in which the kids were acting out Boo Radley’s life so that they could cope with their fear and realize that he might be a decent guy after all.

Gone was the terror in my mind of stale whiskey and barnyard smells, of sleepy-eyed sullen men, of a husky voice calling in the night, "Mr. Finch? They gone?" Our nightmare had gone with daylight; everything would come out all right. (256)

In the Courtroom environment Scoutt isn’t scared but Tom is in a lot of danger of his life there as he was like the night he was in jail. Scout’s not scared but Tom is.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Southern Gothic:
quotes: pg 200-201 "The Maycomb Jail was a miniature Gothic joke one cell wide and two cells high, complete with tiny battlements and flying buttresses."
pg 10-11 "Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom, [...] Radley pecans would kill you."
pg 86 "The world's endin', Atticus! Please do something-!"

multiple choice:
Which of these is NOT a symbol of southern gothic?
a. Radley house
b. mockingbird
C. Calpurnia
d. jailhouse

Which of these is NOT a southern gothic part of Maycomb?
a. the superstitions are spread through gossip
b. the spooky buildings are linked to Gothic churces
c. the stories are told with southern flare
D. Scout and Francis get in a fight

The Southern Gothic motif is used throughout TKAMB by combining Gothic symbols like fear and superstition with Southern aspects like gossip and racism. Together, these features create a central theme of setting that describes Scout's childhood environment. This theme expresses to the reader what Scout's life is like: superstitions and racism surround her but she has to overcome them as she comes of age.


Fear in TKAM is prevalent throughout the story and is used to give people a mental image of the setting and the many things that went on in a time of racism in southern alabama. Fear in southern alabama is created most of the time when people create false rumors that they really dont know on a personal level.


1. What is the majority of fear in southern alabama created by?
False rumors
People who defend blacks

2. Which is not a symbol of fear?
c)Boo Radley
d)Ms. Dubose
e)Blacks feeling bad for whites

3. Which characters arent scared of anyone?
Scout-Boo Radley, Mrs. Dubose
Calpurnica-taking kids to church
Bob-scared of getting caught

It was rumored that she kept a CSA pistol concealed in her numerous shawls. chap 11

I raised my head and stared at the Radley steps in front of me. I froze. Page 50

Morality and Ethics

Morals and ethics were an important aspect of decisions made in the work. The court decided ona verdict using their morals. The fear of standing out from the crowd got in the way of people following what they really believed was right.


1. What is the family background of the member of the jury who originally tried to aquit Tom Robinson? Answer: B
A. Atkinson
B. Cunningham
C. Ewell
D. Gates

2. Why do the townspeople not want to admit that Tom Robinson is innocent? Answer: C
A. They hate him.
B. They truly believe he is guilty.
C. He is black.
D. All of the above.

3. Who thinks that there is just one kind of "folks"? Answer: A
A. Scout
B. Dill
C. Jem
D. All of the above

4. Who thought it was a good sign that the jury took a long time to make a decision? Answer: A
A. Atticus
B. Jem
C. Dill
D. Scout

5. Why do the colored folks send Atticus the food? Answer: C
A. They feel sorry for him
B. They like to bake.
C. They appreciate what he did.
d. All of the above.

p. 297 "Atticus's fingers went to his watchpocket. 'No it didn't,' he said, more to himself than to us. 'That was the one thing that made me think, well, this may be the shadow of a beginning. That jury took a few hours. an inevitable verdict, maybe, but usually it takes 'em just a few minutes. This time--' he broke off and looked at us. 'You might like to know that there was one fellow who took considerable wearing down--in the beginning he was rarin' for an outright aquittal.'"

p. 316 "'Whether Maycomb knows it or not, we're paying the highest tribute we can pay a man. We trust him to do right. it's that simple.' "Who?' Aunt Alexandra never knew she was echoing her twelve-year-old nephew. 'The handful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only; the handful of people who say a fair trial is for everybody, not just us; the handful of people with enought humility to think, when they look at a Negro, there but for the Lord's kindness am I.' Mis Maudie's old crispness was returning: 'The handful of people in this town with background, that's who they are."