Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Southern Gothic:
quotes: pg 200-201 "The Maycomb Jail was a miniature Gothic joke one cell wide and two cells high, complete with tiny battlements and flying buttresses."
pg 10-11 "Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom, [...] Radley pecans would kill you."
pg 86 "The world's endin', Atticus! Please do something-!"

multiple choice:
Which of these is NOT a symbol of southern gothic?
a. Radley house
b. mockingbird
C. Calpurnia
d. jailhouse

Which of these is NOT a southern gothic part of Maycomb?
a. the superstitions are spread through gossip
b. the spooky buildings are linked to Gothic churces
c. the stories are told with southern flare
D. Scout and Francis get in a fight

The Southern Gothic motif is used throughout TKAMB by combining Gothic symbols like fear and superstition with Southern aspects like gossip and racism. Together, these features create a central theme of setting that describes Scout's childhood environment. This theme expresses to the reader what Scout's life is like: superstitions and racism surround her but she has to overcome them as she comes of age.

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