Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Southern Gothic is the fight between good and evil. In To "Kill a Mockingbird" Atticus is often the good fighting multiple evils throughout the work. He is the ultimate leader of justice and goodness no matter how dire the consequences may be.

Quote 1:
With movement so swift they seemed simultaneous, Atticus's hand yanked a ball-tipped lever as he brought the gun to his shoulder (p.127) Atticus may seem feeble but he is always there to defend he children and fight for good

Quote 2:
For a number of reasons The main one one is, if I didn't I couldn't hol up my head in town,I couldn't represent this county in the legislature I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do Something again (P. 100) Atticus always fights for good even if he know he cannot win he knows its the right thing to do.

1) Why does Attious decide to take Tom Robinsons case?
a) He thinks he can win
b) He does it for Jem and Scout
c) He knows its the right thing to do
d) He does not like Mr. Ewell

2) Why should Sout not get into fights about Tom's case
a) In order to act mature
b) In order to show that she does not care what others think of her
c) To keep her honor and keep strong
d) All of the above

3) Why is Atticus not a feeble character in the end
a) he goes into a bar and starts to drink
b) he was the best shot in all of Maycomb
c) B and D
d) he is a gentlemen

4) Why was Atticus chosen to defend Tom Robinson
a) Because he is the best lawyer they have
b) He has a grudge ageist the accused
c) because he has to
d) if he doesn't he will loose his job

5) How does Atticus's attitude affect Jem and Scout?
a) They see him as weak and feeble
b) They respect him and see him as a good parent
c) They begin to think like him and fight for good
d) He has no effect on them

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