Friday, November 20, 2009

Book 11


1. What does Odysseus have to do which allows the dead to recognize and speak to him?
2. What does Elpenor ask Odysseus to put on top of his grave?
3. What act of penance does Odysseus have to do after he deals with the suitors?
4. How did Odysseus' mother die?
5. Why can't Odysseus embrace his mother?
6. How does Homer remind us we are hearing a story told to the people of PhaiƔkia?
7. What view of women does Agamemnon's story suggest?
8. What does Achilles ask Odysseus about?
9. Who is the Trojan hero who refuses to speak to Odysseus
10. Part of our understanding of Hades comes from the views of Minos, Tantalus, and Sisyphus. Who were they and what were their punishments?
11. Who is the last great hero that Odysseus sees before leaving the land of the dead?

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